Aminet Hunter   Brought to you by AmigaSoc UK
Technology from IMM Studios Ltd


Q. Is it free ?
A. Yep.
Q. Is it Open Source ?
A. Nope. Well, not yet anyway. It rather depends on how it all progresses in relation to all the other things we have to do at present.
Q. Will you extend the search engine to cover non-Aminet sites ?
A. There are no plans to do this at present.
Q. What browsers is the search engine compatible with ?
A. Any browser that supports forms. This means that all modern Amiga browsers should handle it. Everything is handled at the server side. However, you should bear in mind that some Amiga browsers have bugs in their form submission engines. See the other questions in this FAQ for further details. Note also that while we have made as much effort as possible to ensure the pages look good on all browsers, earlier Amiga browsers may have issues with the layout. In all the above cases, we strongly recommend you get the latest versions of browsers available. Support Amiga software development using registered versions.
Q. Why doesn't the search engine return any results in "Expert" mode when I use it with IBrowse 1.xx ?
A. Unfortunately, IBrowse has a very serious bug when it comes to form posting. It sends garbage values back to the server when certain form elements are not selected. This has been reported to the author, and has been fixed in IBrowse 2.xx.
Q. I use Voyager 3, and I've noticed that the search engine doesn't respect all my directory choices in "Intermediate" or "Expert" modes.
A. Voyager 3 has a bug which prevents more than one choice being sent to the search engine at a time. This problem has been reported to Vaporware, and we expect a fix will be available very soon to solve this.
Q. Are there any plans to have mirror sites in other countries ?
A. Yes. In order to reduce the load on our own web server and to better serve the needs of Amiga users outside the UK, we are willing to provide binaries to trustworthy webmasters for a variety of platforms including Amiga, Solaris SPARC, and a number of other UNIX variants. We will not support Windoze NT (or indeed any other flavour of it). It simply isn't worth the hassle!
Q. Your HTML layout sucks. Can't you design something better ?
A. If you can design something better, then send it along -we'd be happy to take a look. The search engine has been designed using an advanced design independent CGI engine developed by us, and can therefore adapt itself to display in a variety of formats.
Q. What tools did you use to develop it with ?
A. Mostly using an Eagle A4000TE with CyberStorm MK-II, Kickstart 3.1, 56 megs RAM running SAS/C 6.58. Because the program is so portable, some time has been spent working on it during lunch breaks at using GNU C on Solaris x86 and Linux x86. Give us SAS/C any day, though! The graphics were prepared in DrawStudio, ImageFX 4.1, PPaint 7.1, and ImageStudio.
Q. Uh oh. I think I found a bug. What do I do ?
A. If you get a "Server error" message, or what appears to be an incomplete page, don't keep it to yourself, let us know straight away so we can fix it as quickly as possible! We do have an automated system to log problems when they happen, but it helps us greatly if you could back it up with some information relating to your system and the circumstances in which it happened. Use our feedback form to make such reports. Provided you give us enough information to track it down and fix it, we will get in touch and tell you when we've fixed it!
Q. I get a "file not found" error from some files on certain Aminet mirrors (selected from Expert mode). What's wrong ?
A. Bear in mind that the select box shows all Aminet mirrors, both full and partial. As there is no way of ascertaining which Aminet mirrors carry which files, you should be prepared for the possibility of certain mirrors not carrying the files you request. In short, if you find that the file you click on from the results page doesn't exist, then you'll simply have to use an alternative mirror!